Wednesday 14 November 2012

Rack of Lamb ... another preview

This is another preview .... of the posts that I am trying to build up; I have taken a number of shots of food available in KL ... and still working on it (also not forgetting that on the drinking scenes ... I need to build further on the story ... especially - the flower joints)

As a preview I herein post a photo ... Rack of Lamb ... please read the quote on the photo...

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Drinking scene .... a preview of the next post

This is not Part 5..... but a preview of the next post .... coming up soon and it will depict insights into the flower joint......

....see the link herein (please click on the link to read - Drinking scene .... flower shop joint

A Chinese lass .... at the flower shop joint

Monday 5 November 2012

Roast Leg of Lamb ... my favourite

5th November 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - KS Wong

Lamb... or even under the label "mutton" .... is a popular item in our eating preferences and habits; and there are even local dishes to it.

The focus in this post ..... is Roast Leg of Lamb (perhaps, also Roast Shoulder of Lamb)...... 

Some introductory information
I read from a blog(s), primarily written from a European context, .....which has stated that .... "One of the most popular cuts is the leg of lamb, which suits home cooks but is rarely offered in restaurants. Professional kitchens like the expensive rack of lamb, with the bones "frenched" so they're bare, and the rack sliced neatly into pink chops. Another restaurant cut is the tender lamb loin or saddle. Legs and shoulders are typically home cuts, the shoulder being something more likely to show up in a stew. The leg is a centerpiece for a celebration".

And I fully agree as the Malaysian scene reflects the same scenario ..... Rack of Lamb... is their cut of focus.......... thus, a request for a Roast Leg of Lamb is not that readily available; perhaps, some restaurants/pubs should take note of this .......... I may want to buy 6-10 friends a night of drinks; but can I say with 1-2 days notice, place an order ... Roast Leg of Lamb .... if yes, it would be wonderful for the dish goes well with drinks...... if there is a joint in Kuala Lumpur with such flexibility to customer's needs; please drop me a note!!!!!!!!!.

The Main Point
Home cooked -Simple straight forward, old fashion .....Roast leg of lamb
I am not going into anything to argue that "How a roast leg of lamb is a British classic or not"; but my main point is that the Brits did have an influence on our local scene on this dish (I am not talking the entire roast lamb (or goat) where you can see at some celebrations ) ..... but a typical Roast Leg of Lamb (or shoulder ) as within the contexts of what is depicted in the photos herein:

I love this simple old fashion, straightforward, Roast Leg of Lamb (and shoulder) .... even from the younger days.... and till now (photos herein is a home cooked Roast of Lamb .... it is delicious and succulent.... yummy; and I do attribute my taste/liking towards it to the British influence on Malaysia...... many many years ago.
Home Cooked: The Leg of Lamb ... out of the oven ... transferred to another tray  .... before I start the slicing......... the aroma in the kitchen while in the oven is just fantastic ...... enticing the flow of digestive juices even before the roast is ready.
The photos herein was my dinner .... last night (4th November 2012) .... take my words for it ... absolutely yummy; we had in the past make this roast and had friends over to eat ......... and it has always been a same comment "yummy" .... and eat like a glutton (even me suffer from this tendency, each time .... ).

The only problem..... the local taste is up for it ..... but its availability in restaurants (or pubs) are lacking in this direction ..... we may change the style in someway on the local front ..... but it is still a old fashion, straight forward roast leg of lamb.
I did the slicing myself ............ the Leg of Lamb is from New Zealand (Photo-KS Wong) 
 The lamb is from New Zealand ...... not readily available in local restaurants but one can still buy the raw leg of lambs (and shoulders) from selected local supermarkets .... thus, to enable home cooking (otherwise, I will not be able to have a eat my heart out meal at home ..... roast leg of lamb).
Another shot of the sliced lamb ..... wow, makes me hungry..., even looking at the photo (Photo-KS Wong).
After the roast comes out from the oven, the juices that flowed from the roast was collected ..... with an attempt to get rid of the layer of fats on top.......... were used to make the gravy to be served with the meal. We also had the Mint Sauce to the lamb .... that "devastating" flavour to enhance the taste of the sliced lamb.

On this occasion, we did not have roast potatoes (a traditional must) to go with; but just broccoli - cooked Chinese style (fried)........ staring a local modification towards variations of eating. 

We had also in the past, to actually eat it with rice .... the sliced pieces of lamb, rice, vegetables ... with the gravy and mint sauce .............. a sort of customisation to local eating habits ... take my word... is still an absolute yummy scenario.
This was the balance of the roast after ..... the meal
 Photo above ..... was the balance of the roast after the gluttonous meal ....... had it cooled down and was wrapped in aluminium foil and dished into the freezer for another occasion .
a close look at the balance of the roast
 Looks lovely, looking at this makes my digestive juice to pour ..... as for the balance we will have slices of it (cold) to make sandwiches ....... this is also yummy.

And .... not forgetting, also my favourite, a portion will be used to make casserole.....  with carrots and potatoes ..... fantastic meal; and this shall be for the coming weekend.

Taking another look at the balance of the roast leg of lamb
Having said how nice and lovely the roast is; I have a wishful thought which I hope can become a reality on the local scene ...... by and large, Malaysians like to eat out, which I think is quite a distinctive trait, and we have the flexibility to adjust our taste buds or likings towards certain food ..... and even to make some local modifications towards it.

To be more specific, perhaps, to say to look at the Happy Hour scene ....... we love to have a meaty snack with our drinks ... and at the same time we don't want to order a full meal, say a plate of Rack of Lamb with the full works of potatoes and the other stuff .... which actually makes me drink less beer.

There can be a way round this scenario ..... (to Pub owners.... this can increase your sales.... give it some thoughts) .......... I do wish there can be more meaty snacks... shared with friends, say in small, medium and large portions ........... sliced roast lamb can be an option towards this end .... a plate shared amongst friends on the bar counter......

I just wish there can be such a scenario .... perhaps, even better it can be complimentary Happy Hour meaty snack ....... slices of roast lamb (not everyday but at least on some days)........... I have not come across such a place that can offer towards this wishful thinking ... if there are such places, please drop me a note.

(to be fair.... there is a pub, WAGON in Wisma Cosway, Kuala Lumpur, which serves meaty Mutton Curry, with bread, as a complimentary happy hour snack every Friday)  

KS Wong, Kuala Lumpur

Friday 2 November 2012

Drinks scene (4) ... occasions, some happenings, Kuala Lumpur

Friday, 2nd November 2012, Kuala Lumpur - KS Wong

WHERE & HAPPENINGS ... moving in to introduce the 2 dimensions

So far, I have had 3 posts on the drinks scene topic .... promising a series of it; and in the 2nd post. I gave a  framework ...and in the 3rd post I introduced 2 brands of beers (WHAT)

Always with one or more of the  6 parameters - to make things easier; thus each time I have a post, I will try to classify them ...WHAT, WHO, WHERE, OCCASIONS, PECULIARITIES AND BEHAVIOURAL, & HAPPENINGS ... as the drinking scenario is strongly influenced by an interplay of the 6 parameters in multi ways. (Caution: Non-Halal topic - to my Muslim friends ... please take it from an educational perspective). 

This post .... Drink Scene 4 will touch on WHERE and also to share some visuals surrounding the parameter  - HAPPENINGS.

Introducing WHERE
There are many elements to WHERE .... connoting where do we drink & where do we buy the drinks ... thus, to suggest this is a very wide aspect to write about ..... and share experiences.

 At the very basic, when we talk about a drink, and relating it to happy hour, it immediately bring out the word a Pub (or say a bar)

A pub is a place of dubious distinction ..... is just a slanted perspective
However,.........,even till today, amongst the not so open minded people (perhaps, to say those conservative type) will imply that a pub (or bar) is probably a place of dubious distinction ... connoting the incidences of some vice activities and influences along that line ... and nevertheless ... even to say that it is a place filled with sexy flirtatious women ..... and on and on into it.

I am not contesting to deny that we don't have such bars with such characteristics and to offer such services ...... and I do not deny that it is a fact that some customers have such preferences and needs (I will in a later post touch on this kind of bars/pubs)

My focus in this post is on ....
A decent tradition pub .... a social meeting place  
Yes, a pub ... with no hanky panky stuff etc etc (not to deny its absolute non-existence, but if any of it happens, it is  totally .... BYO (bring your own).

The concepts of such joints, the pubs, are not dependent on such dimensions .... there are the simple straight forward bars ....... a place for social gatherings and interactions, side line business meetings and discussions, even primarily a meeting point amongst friends, even to see families having their meals there (common amongst the tourists) etc ...

It is definitely not the bars where you can expect to pick up some lady or meet some guy.... but in no way am I suggesting that these are boring and conservative places.

This kind of place in Malaysia .... are in line with those found in other countries..... taking UK as an example ....... a typical pub.

I will herein below illustrate what I have written with some photos ...... a place for social gathering and interactions .... citing the Delaney's Irish Pub (DIP) as an example.... a decent place .... where a corporate guy having a drink there will not fear to be seen by others .... or a place where a guy will not lie to his wife or girlfriend about the place he is in. 

DIP is located at the back portion of the Federal Hotel in Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur ..... also serving an array of Western dishes and a limited selection of local stuff; a simple pub with live music on most nights of the week........ and fairly popular with the tourists.

See the photos below .... it has the ladies (connotations of being decent..... doesn't mean the absence of nice looking ladies .... and the place is not a total bore.....)

Delaney's Irish Pub
Kuala Lumpur ....... a respectable social place ......... serves western cuisine ..... including the Irish Stew. A GAB joint .... main locally brewed brands of beers...... Tiger, Heineken, Guinness Draft, Kilkenny etc

A simple and casual scene ...... tourist relaxing themselves at the bar .........................

At the pub ...... we are no different and we do abide and believe in the Egyptian proverb .......... as in the photo ...................

I too is faced with this scenario ............ the two times ..... see photo .... drink with whom? ....

Photo - KS Wong
A social place ...... meeting and interactions with friends ......... 

Photo - KS Wong
respectable business people at the pub

Photo - KS Wong
Corporate figure from Laos

Who says ..... it will be boring .... there are lovely ladies there too......... 

But remember ..... it is a BYO scenario
Photo KS Wong
A loving couple at the scene ......... a decent joint la................................
Photo KS Wong
another beautiful charming lady at the pub .....

Please bear with me .... to be continued (I will add more photos in a day or too .......)

to be continued ..................

Thursday 1 November 2012

Drinking scenes (3) .... the beers

1st November 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - KS Wong 
Drinks scene .... on the parameter of WHAT? - referring to what kind of drinks we drink.

Introducing two of the popular brands of beer available in Malaysia (both from the same brewery) ...... visuals herein are taken in a traditional style pub (showing the taps to the draught beers) ... the 2 are not the only brands available ..... more will be featured in the near future (I need to get the photos)

Further to the 2 brands of beer.... I have added quotes on the photos ........ read them, give them some thoughts ..... probably have a good laugh......

Nice ..... quote ... has universal applicability when we talk about lifestyles ..... so are we in Malaysia 
Brewery - GAB........ a pint or two .... but with whom?
Further to the a pint or two dimension, I came across ..... a rather appropriate Egyptian proverb ..... in our days of stressful lifestyles ....; and we being same as everyone in other regions ....... and I strongly feel that we do prescribe to such a philosophy .... Malaysians are no different (caution: our Muslim community are prohibited to consume alcoholic beverages) 
Brewery - GAB.... Tiger draught ... this one is my favourite beer

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Christmas ...... early decorations, Kuala Lumpur

31st October 2012. Kuala Lumpur - KS Wong

Wow ..... Christmas is around the corner ....... decorations are up .... but it  is 30th October 2012 (yesterday) , and I have seen what is depicted by the photos herein being up  around 2 weeks ago .................

But what about Deepavali .... which  falls on Tuesday, 13th November 2012; which by whatever standards or benchmark is a major festival celebrated by followers of the Hindu faith in Malaysia........ and normally we will see Shopping Malls and even Hotels with decorations to beef up the festivity mood of DEEPAVALI

Thus, I will than to say that moves to put up Christmas decorations at this time ... seems to be rather unusual.

May be it is  a slip somewhere, not an intentional act .... mistake la (In Malaysian English ..... "ai-ya so-ri la") 

................yes, hard to believe, but I think anything can happen in Malaysia ...... continuously adding the flavour and diversity to our landscape ......... that is to say we are also equally up to the mark in terms of the incidence of  "slips" & "goof ups"

Look at the photos below ...... (please tell me ..... if the trees are not Christmas decorations .... and I have made a mistake)

in a hotel .... in Bukit Bintang area, Kuala Lumpur (photo- KS WONG)

in another Hotel ..... in the same area.... (photo- KS WONG)
Furthermore, the major shopping malls in the Bukit Bintang area ........ as at least as of  last weekend, have not put up the Deepavali decorations .......... but definitely also no Christmas things were put up.

KS Wong

Saturday 27 October 2012

Lifestyle .... Chinese thoughts

Saturday, 27th October 2012, KS Wong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The following is an article on Chinese Thoughts .... posted on FaceBook (thanks to my friend Keon Nck - and I am pinching it from him herein... and attempted to add some visuals to it, to throw in the thrust and feel)

..... it may be talking about Chinese Thoughts..... but I strongly reiterate that it finds resemblance into our local lifestyles ....... Chinese and our other racial groups ..... read it with an open mind .... you should see the resemblances; you may have even heard or even experienced some of real scenarios that fit into what is being said.

Thus, ...... read & have a good laugh ..... many of the elements have happened in Malaysia.

Chinese Thoughts.

Muslim friends .... don't be offended,
perhaps, let it be say a cow

人 啊! 
Man, O Man!

Dog........ - Photo-KS Wong ........ there has been a surge in the number of people
 raring pure breeds ...... paying big bucks for the dogs .... also a surge
in businesses related to the pet industry (same for CATS).

When without money, keep pigs;
When have money, keep dogs.

When without money, eat at home with wife;
When have money, dine in fine restaurant..

When without money, ride bicycle;
When have money, ride exercise machine.

When without money, wish to get married;
When have money, wish to get divorced.

to be interpreted ........... probably the Secretary ....

When without money, wife becomes secretary;
When have money, secretary becomes "wife".

When without money, act like rich man;
When with money, act like poor man.

人 啊,都不講實話:
Man, O Man, never tells the truth:

Says sharemarket is bad but keeps speculating;
Says money is evil but keeps accumulating.

Trouble maker or otherwise ......
yet desirable ..... a lovely Lady
(Photo - KS Wong)

Says women are trouble-makers but keeps desiring them;
Says high positions are lonely but keeps wanting them.

Says smoking & drinking is bad but keeps partaking;
Says heaven is good but refused to go.

In the past, woman gives man their virginity;
Now, woman gives man their newborn.
Chicken ... providing wake up call

In the rural area, chicken calls man awake;
In the cities, man calls for "chickens" cum pros........

In the past, famous actresses will not sell their bodies;
Now, actresses will sell their bodies to get famous
"Chicken" .... in local languages .....
......... can be taken to connote a "whore"
or its equivalent. 
There has been rapid developments
in businesses connected to this dimension .... 

What is life about?
1 歲時出場亮相 
At one, YOU are the top priority
10 歲時功課至上 
At ten, academic excellence is the top priority
20 歲時春心盪漾 
At twenty, getting laid is the top priority
30 歲時職場對抗 
At thirty, a good career is top priority
40 歲時身材發胖 
At forty, keeping your body in shape is top priority

50 歲時打打麻將 
At fifty, beating others at mahjong is top priority
the chase into IT and mobile technology
.... it a young and old matter la

60 歲時老當益壯 
At sixty, keeping IT up is top priority

70 歲 時 常常 健忘 
At seventy, remembering something is top priority
80 歲時搖搖晃晃 
At eighty, moving around is top priority
90 歲時迷失方向 
At ninety, knowing directions is top priority
100 歲時掛在牆上 

At 100, having your portrait on the wall is top priority!


Thursday 25 October 2012

Malt Vinegar ...... with fried food ,,, yummy

Malt Vinegar .... not into the Malaysian scene

It is not about our soya sauce, chilly sauce, sambal belacan, curry sauce etc etc .. ..... but an equivalent and it is very British in tradition .... Malt Vinegar; ....and indeed a very surprising phenomena that it is not a popular or rather unknown sauce amongst the locals on the  Malaysian scene. Yes, the topic is about a  condiment .... but what is it? 

A condiment is an edible substance, (such as a simple sauce) which is used to be added to some foods to impart a particular flavor, enhance its flavor. In our local Malaysian context, examples would be ...soya sauce, ketchup, cut chillies in soya sauce, sambal belachan etc etc

a close view of the typical English Fish and Chips
Malt Vinegar and lots of salt....... goes well with "Fish and Chips" (kind of a a British classic.... in terms of food) ....... the English loves it .... and I too love the dish; I have even got to acquire the habit of eating it with Malt Vinegar ..... it taste good

It has been reported, normally in the British context or from the perspective of the English culture........ saying that if you've ever been to a place with fish and chips on the menu, malt vinegar is a good condiment to know and love.

Besides being a versatile condiment in the British fried food world, malt vinegar makes a great gastrique or simple salad dressing mixed with olive oil and fresh herbs.

........... but the point is ....... what does all these mean in the Malaysian context? .... I have asked around a number of people; and by and large they don't seem to be aware of the stuff .."malt vinegar" ...... someone even asked me back "What are its health benefits?"

Fish and Chips, I agree is a British tradition & the use of malt vinegar is a classic (even, Malt vinegar is a British thing)...... but the point is why have we not pick up this flavour or habit?

(But before moving on, it will be interesting to read an article on the roots of fish and chips ... and it looks like it may not be that British after all  -BBC News - The unlikely origin of fish and chips (click here, to read more) ..... ).
The British influence onto our local scene has been very substantive .... finding its way into many dimensions ...... not forgetting that British traders have been around the region as far back as the 17th century .... in the subsequent period to even colonise the region 

...... but again to say .... I find it very fascinating, if malt vinegar is such a tradition, as to be almost "an English or British thing" ....... how come such a eating habit never found its way here?

The English... even put malt vinegar ... on fired eggs, fried chicken.... and lots other fried food ..... I have tasted food in such a way, and have to say it is yummy with malt vinegar.

We have had , and still do, been sending ourselves  to study in the UK  in large numbers and our tourism traffic to UK is in no way a small number ..... but still it seems that the habit of fried food with malt vinegar is still not around .....

Our restaurants, including fish and chips joints, don't really , may be at very very few places, offer this stuff to go with your food ... it is not  in thing here .... and its availability at supermarkets are in no way wide spread.

Perhaps, our restaurants ... have to take note of this ..... we do get quite large numbers of British tourists ... and there may be a need for them to also offer malt vinegar with their food - for the sake of better customer satisfaction ................. not to forget that french fries with malt vinegar is yummy (take my word for that).

We didn't really pick up malt vinegar into our array of condiments for our food .... is one aspect ... but the point, which I don't have an answer to is ........ British were so long in the region... their influences ..... they brought the HP sauce (again a very British thing) ..... but malt vinegar which is extremely British, never made its presence here in any big way.  

Otherwise ..... we might have had included malt vinegar into our array of condiments.

And in ending, I wonder how well the Chinese dish below goes with Malt Vinegar?
A Chinese dish .... fried fish .... I can't imagine applying Malt Vinegar as it sauce instead of say some spicy sauce.